History of Lower Milford Township

Lower Milford Township was incorporated in 1853 when the area was separated from Upper Milford Township. Pioneers had begun settling the Hosensack Valley area as early as 1715. Still a part of Bucks County in 1730, the population was 60. Many mills, farms, schools and churches were established near the many streams running through the Township. In 1735, King's High Road was surveyed and laid out as a connection between Philadelphia, Macungie and places north.
Prior to 1733, both Upper and Lower Milford Townships were part of Milford Township, Bucks County. In 1737, early settlers including Krauss, Dillinger, Ochs, Walber, Schantz, Yeakel, Mechling, Kurr, Ort, Dubbs, Stauffer, Flores, Engleman, Klein and Kriebel petitioned to organize a Township. Land was surveyed and a six mile long by five mile wide area became known as "Obermilford." In 1738, Upper and Lower Milford separated from Milford Township and became part of Northampton County. In 1812, they became part of Lehigh County, and in 1853 Lower Milford became an independent township.
The customs and traditions of the early, mostly German, immigrants remain evident in the historic homes, barns, mills and other structures residents have so carefully preserved. Maps, history and photographs of our township were compiled onto a book prepared for our nation’s bicentennial. Copies are available for sale for $30.00 at the township office. Please email us to reserve a copy before pickup.
If you are interested in the history of the area, you are welcome to join the Lower Milford Township Historical Society. Contact www.facebook.com/LMHS.PA/ for more information.
According to the 2010 Census, the population of Lower Milford Township is 3,775.
Consisting of 19.65 square miles in a rectangular shape located at the lower end of Lehigh County in Southeastern Pennsylvania, Lower Milford consists mainly of agricultural land. Streams, hills, fields and wooded areas beautify the farms and residential properties that shape this township. The highest point is Chestnut Hill, at 960 feet above sea level.
Farmland Preservation
Lower Milford Township would like to say thank you to those land owners who have preserved their farms for the future. Lower Milford is home to the first Preserved Farm in Lehigh County, and as of Spring 2013, there are 40 Agriculturally Preserved Farms totaling over 3,000 acres in the Township.
Lower Milford has taken the step of enacting PA law Act 4 from 2006, along with Lehigh County and the School District, to freeze any Tax increases on Preserved Land within the community, thus also thanking those property owners in a tangible way.
Lower Milford's soil is principally gravel with sandstone in almost all areas, and is almost entirely considered prime agricultural soil. Limestone is found near Hosensack and Limeport. A rich deposit of iron ore and a smaller amount of mica was mined south of Zionsville on property adjacent to the King's High Road. The general area is abundantly watered by many excellent streams, including some now under consideration for Exceptional Value designation. The Hosensack Creek from the intersection of Spinnerstown Road and Limeport Pike to the intersection of Buhman Road and Schultz Bridge Road has been upgraded by the PA Fish and Boat Commission to Class A Wild Trout Stream.
Read an interesting 1902 history of Lower Milford Township here.